
How can withdrawal be represented?
How can withdrawal be represented?

Sebastián Eduardo Dávila (éd.), Rebecca Hanna John (éd.), ...

On Withdrawal—Scenes of Refusal, Disappearance, and Resilience in Art and Cultural Practices

How can withdrawal—meaning either that which withdraws itself, or which is being withdrawn—be represented, thus made visible and negotiable? This publication takes this paradox as its starting point, which remains present as a tension throughout. The book aims to draw constellations of different instances of withdrawal, ranging from passivity, failure, and refusal to disappearance and remembrance and to resilience and resistance. Understanding withdrawal as a concept that encompasses both cutting ties and reaffirming relations, the contributions collected here trace the...
  • art contemporain
  • résistance
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Jean-Luc Nancy

Des zétrangers des zah des zuh

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Mais avec même proche exige...

